games that promote laughter and build self-esteem
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Bluff-n-Baffle Game

This game has been known to change lives!

The object of this game is to score points by correctly guessing who said what to the thought provoking questions.
You have the opportunity to read through peoples bluffs and so much more.

This game was created with love
  as a way to connect with others personably and with humor.
This game was designed to help you unleash your true nature of joy and laughter.

Can be an extremely fun party game or family game night game.
It can also be quite therapeutic.

Each time you play the dynamics of the game may change
depending on who you are playing with or the mood you are in.


This  game  may  promote  extreme  laughter

If you would like to order this game click HERE

Retails at $34.95 (+8% sales tax in California $37.75)
Order yours NOW!

The game includes:
Board, cards, markers and inspiration for fun!

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